Sunday, April 27, 2008

Productive Spring Weekend

We had 3 yards of mulch and 3 yards of top soil delivered on Saturday. We spent all day yesterday building up some new flower beds on the south side of the house that still needed some. We also transplanted a few plants that were taking over. We had a lot of tomato plants last year and we wanted to plant some more fruit, so we bought a few blueberry plants and a peach tree. We spread all the top soil and mulch in about 6 hours. I don't even want to guess how many wheelbarrow trips we made. It all looks really nice and I'm looking forward to some fruit later in the summer! Today we went golfing in the morning in Westlake with Jeff's friends, Keith and Sopha. It was still really nice out and for the first time out, I don't think that I did that bad. After the upcoming few days of cold weather, let's hope that the spring weather returns!

I finished my spring semester classes this past week and am thrilled to have the next month off! I want to get into the habit of making regular meals for us, in between the Cavs playoff games. I am heading to Game 5 of the playoffs on Wednesday and am looking forward to that. Go Cavs!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bathroom Project Complete!

Today, we FINISHED the basement bathroom. For the last week, each day our goal was to finish it, but we always had a few small things to do at the end of each day.

Dave came over on Tuesday night and he put up the crown molding. Then we put in the sink and toilet and finished up any other odds and ends.

Yesterday, I caulked the baseboard and crown, etc, then installed the wire shelving to the right of the shower. Today, I used all of our drywall scraps to cover up the exposed walls on the unfinished basement side and Kristie did some paint touch-ups.

It was a great experience and I take off my hat to Dave...who was awesome during the whole project. He knows how to do just about everything and if I would have attempted this project myself, I would probably still be framing it up at this point and would have cut down a small forest for the lumber I would have used! So thanks are an awesome worker, teacher, and friend!

Below are some photos of the finished project!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We have a baby name!

Yes, we have a baby name! They have decided to call our new nephew Dominic. He looks just like Mikey when he was born, lots of dark hair and very cute! When Jeff and I were at the hospital on Saturday afternoon, Mikey kept running back to Dominic saying "Hi Baby!" It was really cute. He LOVES his little brother and hates to have him out of his sight. I'm sure it will be a big adjustment for him to no longer be the only little one in the house.

Jeff and Dave are finishing up the bathroom tonight. We should have pics to post soon for that. It looks really good! We had some adventures in choosing paint colors but we are happy with what we decided on. Dave has been great through the everything and has done a terrific job. And Jeff has learned tons from him through the whole process.

I have been working diligently on a project for the System and Design Thinking class. It's torture and I can't wait to be done with it. The semester is almost overwith. I'll have the month of May off and then back to class in June... ugh

So, I am sitting in the kitchen tonight working on this project and I notice something outside moving. It's large and very close to the house. It's those darn deer again! I stood up and they were looking right at me, not scared at all. We had a bit of an issue with them on Saturday night. We saw them out the back and counted 10 deer. The next morning, we were out at the FRONT of the house and I noticed that my tulips were buzzed to the mulch... I wasn't happy about that. Fortunately they weren't out that much, so I'm hoping they still manage to come up. I sprayed some Liquid Fence around all of them and I hope that means no more tulip salad bar for the deer. This may mean war...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baby Time!

My sister and brother-in-law, Jen and Mike Arnone, welcomed a beautiful baby boy to the family last night at 11:48 p.m. He is 6lbs 14 ounces and a name will be decided upon soon...Dominic and Leonardo were front-runners. Mike was extra happy because yesterday was his birthday too...what a gift!

Kristie and I are planning to go make a visit this afternoon to see our newest nephew!