Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lots of Shoveling!

Kristie and I have been talking about putting in a garden for a long time and with the Cavaliers still waiting for their next opponent, I was lucky enough to have this weekend off. So...we ordered up 5 yards of top soil and 5 yards of mulch and it was delivered on Saturday.

Okay...two things. 5 yards of top soil is a LOT of top soil. And 5 yards of mulch is a LOT of mulch. 1 yard of mulch too many, but we found places to put it we put it on a little thicker than normal. We actually used some of the leftover topsoil to build up some of the flower beds in the backyard and we added a River Birch tree and a few other plants.

Once we finished the garden, we added some deer fencing around it to protect our crops and then planted all of our seeds. Hopefully, in a few weeks we will see onions, peppers, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cantaloupe and more sprouting up. We also have a bunch of tomato plants that have come back from last year.

We are glad we are finished so we can give our feet and backs a nice break! Pictures below.

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